Community Case Management
Latimer House staff can provide long-term community-based case management to assist with resource navigation and self-sustainability concerns as participants seek to live a violence-free life.
Community Case Management May Include:
Latimer House staff can provide education around intimate partner violence and sexual assault. This can include the signs of intimate partner violence/sexual assault, the cyclic nature of violent relationships, safety planning, and how to build healthy relationships with yourself and others. This can be done in a one-on-one or group setting
Housing Assistance
Staff can assist participants with the process of seeking and obtaining long-term, sustainable housing, including assistance with housing applications and fees, voucher referrals, rent/security deposits, housing necessities, etc.
Legal Advocacy
Advocates provide court accompaniment and referrals to legal resources and agencies in the community to assist participants with protection orders and other civil matters, such as divorce and child custody.
All services available to those experiencing IPV are also available to individuals who have experienced sexual assault. Advocates can also provide individuals with transport and accompaniment to sexual assault examinations (SANEs/SAFEs).